Ellah Lakes

Ellah Lakes - Building Sustainable Agribusinesses.

ESG Initiatives

  • To grow Teak, Mahogany and Iroko on 5,000 hectares to act as a carbon sink in line with Nigeria’s pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent in 2030.

  • Vertical farming initiatives to increase yields and enhance environmental protection

  • Ellah Lakes also plans to sell carbon credits earned by producing lower- carbon biofuels, including corn and biomass-derived ethanol and biodiesel

  • Ellah Lakes aims to provide 5000 direct jobs and 10,000 indirect jobs in its local host communities by the YE 2022

  • A localised training, education & development programme in all host communities

Outgrower Schemes

Ellah Lakes is committed to working productively with our host communities to achieve a win-win situation. Under our outgrower scheme, we will partner with local farmers in the host communities of our plantations in an arrangement where we provide them with high quality seedlings of various crops. We will also provide them with fertilizers and other inputs to ensure optimal yields. We will share revenues from the harvest with the local farmers that participate in the scheme.

This arrangement provides local host communities with a stake in the success of our platform and have an incentive to ensure the overall success and safety of the plantations.